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Cornflakes Honey Without Baking


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Cornflakes Honey Without Baking

honey cornflakes

easy to cook and simple. preparing this menu for my family holiday.


✓ 1 box of NESTLE cornflakes (275gram)
✓ 8 -10 tablespoons of castor sugar (this is an estimate for sis. If you want to make it less sweet, you can reduce it)
✓half buttercup salted (book) (250gram part 2)
✓ Honey (buy at Speedmart). (If there is Shuib honey, it is delicious but expensive).

  1. Melt the buttercup with castor sugar. Use a small, medium flame. Don't mess up.
  2. Wait for all to melt and mix well (looks like foam2)
  3. Add cornflakes (I include all).
  4. Then put honey uc as much as possible. If you look at the cornflakes, they look shiny, I think it's cun.
  5. Turn off the heat.
  6. Let the nails be lukewarm. (Do not wait for the whole cold later cornflakes will stick to the surface of the pan - sis use a large crocodile pan ja)
  7. Insert airtight container.
Ready to eat anytime and anywhere. Make sure sitting at home alone is better than walking outside.


  1. The fire should not be too strong later the black sugar will be hot. When cornflakes are not tasty they become bitter.
  2. Be patient waiting for the sugar and buttercup to melt well. In 7-10 minutes.
  3. Want more delicious honey

Among the children's favorite snacks ² are honey cornflakes.
For sis, this dish is the easiest to prepare.

Why easy?
Easy because there is no need to bake in the oven.
Want to need to decorate beria for beautiful.
Time to make it for a moment.

May it be useful.
While trying .. I apologize for the lack.

Sis Aster likes to share dishes

credit to: Blog Resepi Masakan Melayu

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