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Vikri Beach Resort

Vikri Beach Resort Pantai Bogak Pulau Pangkor
4459 page viewer


Vikri Beach Resort
Lot 6 & 7, Pantai Pasir Bongak 32300 Pulau Pangkor
Perak Malaysia
Call us! +6056854258


Pangkor Island conjures images of verdant forest, crystal clear waters and wide beautiful sandy beaches. It's true, for here in this little tropical island, nature has endowed it with one of the finest holiday attractions in the country. nature at its most pristine.

Catch some historical sights and try the local cuisine or just laze around by the beautiful beaches and do nothing. Simply a great place for group vacations and family holidays.

Vikri Beach Resort is directly facing Pangkor's charming and biggest beach, Pasir Bogak with 3 types of delightful rustic sea views chalets welcomes you, families and friends.

With an extra spacious crescent shaped center court with games facilities and with the lush green nature right at your doorsteps, your holiday here with us will truly be a vacation to treasure and remember.

Vikri Beach Resort Pantai Bogak Pulau Pangkor

Resort Pulau Pangkor
Vikri Beach Resort Pantai Bogak Pulau Pangkor

Resort Lot 6 & 7, Pantai Pasir Bongak
Vikri Beach Resort Pantai Bogak Pulau Pangkor

Pulau Pangkor
Vikri Beach Resort Pantai Bogak Pulau Pangkor

  • Chalet
  • Open space / dataran
  • Restaurant/cafe
  • Sport's field

Uniqueness: We are situated along Pasir Bongak Beach, which is Pangkor Island longest and most popular beach. Our 6 Acres of wide manicured grounds in front of the chalet is also ideal for get-together and group functions.

Vikri Beach Resort Pantai Bogak Pulau Pangkor

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  • City of Pulau Pangkor
  • Postcode of 32300
  • State of Perak

    GPS COORDINATE: 4.213438,100.551619 Get direction here
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