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Uluhati Farm and Recreation

Uluhati Farm and Recreation Hulu Langat
Uluhati longhouse - lodgehouse
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Uluhati Farm and Recreation
Lot 2668, Kg Kuala Perdik (Jalan Kg Jawa) 43100 Hulu Langat
Selangor Malaysia
Call us! +60122716262

Uluhati is a farm located in the hills of Ulu Langat, Selangor, about an hour’s drive from the heart of Kuala Lumpur. Beginning from a fruit orchard Uluhati has evolved into a site of multiple activities which has made it a place of interest to visitors of all ages, backgrounds and needs.
Today at Uluhati, whilst we still have the fruit trees, Uluhati also has a collection of farm animals, which include several horses and ponies.

There are a variety of things you can do at Uluhati. All of these revolve around the environment. The great news is you do not have to travel for hours to have a feel of what rural, rustic Malaysia is all about. On top of that the deep rainforest jungle is also available.
1- Farm visits
2- Family days
3- Fruit Parties
4- Horse riding
5- Garden wedding
6- Camping nights
7- Seminars and courses

We are pleased to announce that we have recently completed a set of facilities which now enables us to take in staying guests. Visitors can now extend their stay beyond the usual day visits so as to have more time to absorb the atmosphere and activities of rural Malaysia for a more fulfilling experience.
1- Longhouse -Uluhati lodge
2- Coffe house
3- 6 Rooms within longhouse

Uluhati Farm and Recreation Hulu Langat

Tempat menarik Hulu Langat
Uluhati Farm and Recreation Hulu Langat

Tempat menarik Lot 2668, Kg Kuala Perdik (Jalan Kg Jawa)
Uluhati Farm and Recreation Hulu Langat

Hulu Langat
Uluhati Farm and Recreation Hulu Langat

  • Barbecue
  • Family day
  • Gathering / reunion
  • Seminar and workshop

  • Campsite
  • Open space / dataran
  • Restaurant/cafe
  • Sport's field

Uluhati Farm and Recreation Hulu Langat Uluhati Farm and Recreation Hulu Langat

  • hotels in Langkawi
  • Koleksi Tudung Labuh Terkini
  • Search another Tempat menarik within:
  • City of Hulu Langat
  • Postcode of 43100
  • State of Selangor

    GPS COORDINATE: 3.174888,101.858277 Get direction here
    lokasi Uluhati Farm and Recreation
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    Uluhati longhouse - lodgehouse