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Resort Lata Ulu Lawin

Resort Lata Ulu Lawin Lenggong
13304 page viewer


Resort Lata Ulu Lawin
Kampung Lawin Selatan 33410 Lenggong
Perak Malaysia
Call us! +6013-5935721


Resort Lata Lawin is unspoilt picnic location as it is located in a protected watershed. This area is the focus of the locals to picnic and relax at the end of the week and part of the area is open to the public.

Lawin River water flowing into the crystal clear bathing place and a focal point because the water is shallow and suitable for carrying children

Resort lata ulu lawinThere are four chalets in this area which can accommodate a maximum of four people for every one, which is equipped with a bathroom. A bed (double bed) available while two extra mattresses can be provided if necessary. Cooking facilities are not available and visitors are not allowed to cook in the chalet, instead of cooking space available near the dining hall.

Resort lata ulu lawinFor those who want to camp, Lata Lawin Resort offers camping equipment and capable of providing for a maximum of 200 people at any one time.

Resort lata ulu lawinAn open hall available that can accommodate 200 people for special occasions explanation / presentation / lecture, or 100 people for a workshop or seminar. The equipment required such as public address system, whiteboard, projector and screen are also available.

DSC00636Dining hall available where visitors can choose to cook yourself or use catering services provided by the management. Management Lata Lawin also received orders to hold a picnic or similar functions, which do not require accommodation.

Resort lata ulu lawinThis versatile open council provided for various purposes. There was a time, it is used for congregational prayers for a collection of lively, or be used as a workshop or seminar.

Overall, the easiness in Resort Lata Ulu Lawin is berkonsepkan intimate nature, where easiness is supplied as a principle, where visitors can enjoy the natural beauty semulajadi, while berseminar or to beriadah with family.

Resort Lata Ulu Lawin Lenggong

Resort Lenggong
Resort Lata Ulu Lawin Lenggong

Resort Kampung Lawin Selatan


  • Abseiling
  • Jungle Trekking
  • Jungle adventure
  • Kayaking/canoeing/boating
  • Rope Repelling
  • Water Crossing

  • <300 participants
  • Campsite
  • Chalet
  • Dining hall
  • Kitchen
  • Open Hall
  • Open space / dataran
  • Outdoor facilities
  • Small hut
  • Toilet

  • hotels in Langkawi
  • Koleksi Tudung Labuh Terkini
  • Search another Resort within:
  • City of Lenggong
  • Postcode of 33410
  • State of Perak

    GPS COORDINATE: 5.290007,101.057903 Get direction here
    lokasi Resort Lata Ulu Lawin
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    There are four chalets in this area which can accommodate a maximum of four people for every one, which is equipped with a bathroom. A bed (double bed) available while two extra mattresses can be provided if necessary. Cooking facilities are not available and visitors are not allowed to cook in the chalet, instead of cooking space available near the dining hall.

    Resort lata ulu lawinFor those who want to camp, Lata Lawin Resort offers camping equipment and capable of providing for a maximum of 200 people at any one time.

    Resort lata ulu lawinAn open hall available that can accommodate 200 people for special occasions explanation / presentation / lecture, or 100 people for a workshop or seminar. The equipment required such as public address system, whiteboard, projector and screen are also available.

    DSC00636Dining hall available where visitors can choose to cook yourself or use catering services provided by the management. Management Lata Lawin also received orders to hold a picnic or similar functions, which do not require accommodation.

    Resort lata ulu lawinThis versatile open council provided for various purposes. There was a time, it is used for congregational prayers for a collection of lively, or be used as a workshop or seminar.

    Overall, the easiness in Resort Lata Ulu Lawin is berkonsepkan intimate nature, where easiness is supplied as a principle, where visitors can enjoy the natural beauty semulajadi, while berseminar or to beriadah with family.

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