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Pondok Impian Resort

Pondok Impian Resort Janda Baik
12988 page viewer

Cheap Vacations


Pondok Impian Resort
Lorong Belia 1, Kg. Ulu Chemperoh 28570 Bentong
Pahang Malaysia
Call us! +60192516777

Janda Baik Resort

For a 2- 3 star resort , it consider clean. Staff are nice , but lack of efficiency due to lack of manpower. Overall I'm fine with it but lack of activity, but its good to relax.-jack

Menginap di Pondok Impian dengan kemudahan yang sederhana bertepatan dengan selera berkeluarga. Air sungai yang dingin menyegarkan, kemudahan BBQ ditepi kolam renang memberikan ketenangan dan keselesaan tidak terucap.-Hayat

Chalet cantik dan suasana nyaman..mmg best bercuti di sini..overall facilities ok cuma swimming pool agak kotor berlumut..semoga ada penambahbaikan di masa akan datang.. Insyaallah,boleh dtg lagi one day..-NoraAzilah

Pondok Impian Resort is located in Janda Baik, Pahang. This location only take 45 Minute guided trip from Kuala Lumpur City centre approximately 50 kilometers in distance. This dream cottage presents you the space for holiday attractiveness and soothing to you with family or friends.

Pondok Impian Resort Janda Baik

Janda Baik Chalet

In addition to the natural greenery, at pondok impian janda baik, you can also rest your body and mind after a tired work. For those new couple, our location is also suitable for your honeymoon. Homestay Janda Baik Bentong
Pondok Impian Resort Janda Baik

Various convenience we provide for your family for a day ceremony, anniversary, jungle tracking, barbeque, karaoke, fishing and others. Homestay Lorong Belia 1, Kg. Ulu Chemperoh
Pondok Impian Resort Janda Baik Homestay Janda Baik Swimming Pool

In conclusion, this is your dream cottage that's going to give freshness and serenity in your life. Resort Janda Baik Bentong Cheap Vacations
Pondok Impian Resort Janda Baik

Cheap resorts

  • Catering
  • Chalet
  • Dining hall
  • Dormitories
  • Karaoke set
  • Musolla
  • Swimming pool

Features #2
  • Queen bed
  • Astro
  • Electric kettle
  • TV

Janda Baik Homestay

Pondok Impian Resort Janda Baik Pondok Impian Janda Baik Janda Baik Chalet Tepi Sungai Pondok Impian Resort Janda Baik Pondok Janda Baik Homestay Janda Baik Swimming Pool Pondok Impian Janda Baik Pondok Impian Janda Baik Pondok Impian Janda Baik Pondok Impian Janda Baik Pondok Impian Janda Baik Pondok Impian Janda Baik

Tempat Menarik Di Janda Baik

  • hotels in Langkawi
  • Koleksi Tudung Labuh Terkini
  • Search another Homestay within:
  • City of Bentong
  • Postcode of 28570
  • State of Pahang

    GPS COORDINATE: 3.30896523571,101.87618022 Get direction here
    lokasi Pondok Impian Resort
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