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Kem Semai SImoi

Semai simoi camp
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Kem Semai SImoi
Kampung Simoi, Pos Betau, Hulu Jelai 27200 Lipis
Pahang Malaysia
Call us! +6017 6789621


Semai Simoi Camp located near the river bank landscaped with shady trees, Orang Asli farm and orchard. This atmosphere offered variety of activities associated with nature and suitable for camping. Participant is encouraged to built their own tent, tidy their territory for safety, collect firewood and wash their own plates.

River drift and floating exercise definitely challenge individual water confidence. This is where participants learn how to overcome their fear of water, establish team work, enjoy Jelai River sceneries while relaxing during floating. This activities usually accompanied by aboriginals youth who are highly experienced guides.

Team building activities, voice training and fun games are best handled in the river. Its a wild wild wet craze and most participant refused to leave the water eventhough the activities had ended.

Resort Lipis

Resort Kampung Simoi, Pos Betau, Hulu Jelai


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    +6017 6789621
    GPS COORDINATE: 4.268896,101.693443 Get direction here
    lokasi Kem Semai SImoi
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