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Eagle Nest Outbound Adventure Eco Resort


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Eagle Nest Outbound Adventure Eco Resort
Ulu Kalong, Ulu Yam Bharu 44300 Batang Kali
Selangor Malaysia
Call us! +60126207878

Eagle Nest Outbound & Adventure Eco Resort is located by Sungai Ulu Kalong, 700 meter from the famous Hutan Lipur Sungai Sendat, District of Ulu Yam, Hulu Selangor, Selangor.
Far from the crowd and noises; conveniently situated along Banjaran Khatulistiwa and Gunung Ulu Kali, Eagle Nest offers tranquil ‘back to nature’ experience stay over day and night.

Resort Batang Kali

Resort Ulu Kalong, Ulu Yam Bharu

Batang Kali

  • Abseiling
  • Barbecue
  • Family day
  • Jungle Tracking
  • Jungle adventure
  • Obstacle Course
  • Rope Repelling
  • Spider web
  • Team Building
  • Telematch

  • Campsite
  • Dining hall
  • Kitchen
  • Musolla
  • Open space / dataran
  • Sport's field
  • Toilet

Uniqueness: Obstacle course

  • Spider Web
  • Cable Crossing
  • Giant Net Climbing
  • Caterpillar Bridge
  • Zig Zag Log
  • Tyre Swinging Rope
  • Hip Hop Log
  • 12 ft Tyre Wall
  • Log Stepper – 3 steps
  • Abseiling
  • Repelling
  • Swinging Bridge
  • Barb wire crossing
  • 80 ft Cable Suspension Bridge

  • hotels in Langkawi
  • Koleksi Tudung Labuh Terkini
  • Search another Resort within:
  • City of Batang Kali
  • Postcode of 44300
  • State of Selangor

    GPS COORDINATE: 3.408941,101.681814 Get direction here
    lokasi Eagle Nest Outbound Adventure Eco Resort
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