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DDMBH Eco Village Hulu Langat

DDMBH Eco Village Hulu Langat
13499 page viewer


DDMBH Eco Village Hulu Langat
Lot 3474 Batu 22 Kampung Kuala Pangson 43100 Hulu Langat
Selangor Malaysia
Call us! +60340457760


Dato' Dr. Mohamad Bin Hashim (DDMBH) Ecovillage lying on more than twenty acres of lush green tropical forest, which is part of THE MAIN RANGE of Peninsular Malaysia and one of the worlds most diversified biological resources readily available.

The surrounding environment is a scenic tropical forest with panoramic view of rolling hills and meandering streams flowing crystal clear water, cascading downstream forming small waterfalls in between small and big rocks.

Believing in sharing this unique Ecovillage where nature is at its best within the proxyimity of the hectic city, we conduct and provide the following:


Guided Tour
We conduct daily guided tours especially fortourist and nature enthusiasts with full explanation on fruit trees, and the properties and usage of herbs and spices. Fresh fruits and drinks are served at the end of the tour. Tickets are available at the side.

Team Building
1. Camping, jungle tracking, jogging trail and furnished cabins for overnight stay.

2. High and low pole games, tight-rope walking, flying fox and team coordination games.

3. Free open space to conduct games and activities.

4. A multi-purpose air conditioned hall with p.a. system and furnished dining area.

Private Function
Rental of premises for exclusive private functions (e.g Family Day) with natural scenic environment. Prior booking must first be made for the usage of the above facilities.

DDMBH Eco Village Hulu Langat

Tempat menarik Hulu Langat
DDMBH Eco Village Hulu Langat

Tempat menarik Lot 3474 Batu 22 Kampung Kuala Pangson
DDMBH Eco Village Hulu Langat

Hulu Langat

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  • Postcode of 43100
  • State of Selangor

    GPS COORDINATE: 3.211694,101.8623 Get direction here
    lokasi DDMBH Eco Village Hulu Langat
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