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Cafe Bahulu Classiq


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Cafe Bahulu Classiq
Batu 18 Kg Jawa 43100 Hulu Langat
Selangor Malaysia
Call us! +60193554939

To feel something different, and pride in serving traditional Javanese village - "Rice Threshold" - good for the whole family touched. Until now, the threshold is serving compulsory rice in Kampong Java community, Hulu Langat when holding a feast goes up.

Threshold rice is rice with several dishes like sambal goreng (Tempe, glass noodles, lung, know fried, petai, anchovies, shrimp fried) floss oil, vegetables, noodles, fried fish or fried chicken. Meals will be placed in a divided tray and the tray is usually 4. Meals will be packaged and taken home by attendees who came as a "blessing" after prayers tahlil or held it.

Not only that, bahulu classiq Cafe also provides a variety of special dishes such as noodles java, soto, laksa, curry mee and others. For those who want to breathe the air pleasant evening in the village of Java, coffee break will be served with roti jala, bowsprit shrimp, coconut pancakes and of course can bahulu dipped in black coffee "classiq.

Food&Drink Hulu Langat

Food&Drink Batu 18 Kg Jawa

Hulu Langat

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  • Postcode of 43100
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    GPS COORDINATE: 3.167756,101.852689 Get direction here
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