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Tiram Fishing and Resort

Tiram Fising Resort
17582 page viewer


Tiram Fishing and Resort
Jalan Sungai Tiram 81800 Ulu Tiram
Johor Malaysia
Call us! +6013-7000050


Tiram Fish Resort or known as 'House Raft ' is located at the mouth of the river on the island Johor adjacent overpass. 'House Raft ' is in the building since the early 2000s as cage fish rearing. Cost of coaching until now have to swallow spending nearly 100 thousand ringgit .

'House Raft ' our first fully operational for anglers and visitors from the beginning of 2006 . Many activities were provided to visitors such as fishing on a raft , fishing using bots , barbecue , seafood bought fresh every kind of raft , a visit historic sites along the river Johor , saw fishermen catch fish , jut game fishing , family and a group package. Up-to-date we are trying to provide are seeing fireflies in the night time at Johor river .  

       For fishermen, many fish of various types of fishing pole was always caught by all fish from small size to large . Among the fish species that was always raised is like siakap, kerapu, tetanda, daun baru, merah, cermin, todak, talang, duri, gelama, tebal pipi and others.
Tiram Fising Resort

Tempat menarik Ulu Tiram
Tiram Fising Resort

Tempat menarik Jalan Sungai Tiram
Tiram Fising Resort

Ulu Tiram
Tiram Fising Resort

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Tiram Fising Resort Tiram Fising Resort Tiram Fising Resort

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  • City of Ulu Tiram
  • Postcode of 81800
  • State of Johor

    GPS COORDINATE: 1.597049,103.96964 Get direction here
    lokasi Tiram Fishing and Resort
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