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Tanjung Leman Beach Resort formerly known as Tunjuk Laut Beach Resort

Tanjung Leman Beach Resort Tunjuk Laut Beach Resort
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Cheap Beach Vacations


Tanjung Leman Beach Resort formerly known as Tunjuk Laut Beach Resort
Pantai Tanjung Leman, Kota Tinggi 86800 Mersing
Johor Malaysia
Call us! +60137093009

Homestay Tanjung Leman


Enjoy dgn famly.. Happy.. Dekat dgn jeti ke pulau sibu.. Pantai yg indah.. Paling best ade kfc- Ismanorbiha

Tempat yg menarik..tp family room yg disewa agk mengecewakan..byk kemudahan yg tidak diselenggara..harap dpt perbaiki..tq - Aishah

Percutian yg singkat kmi sekeluarga Tpi ckup bermakna... Resort yg bersih..Pntai yg bersih Andai diberi rezki dr allah .Kmi akn spi lagi-Norzana
Tanjung Leman Beach Resort (known before as Tunjuk Laut Beach Resort) is located 72 km from Mersing, Johor, Malaysia. It offers a quick escape from the hustle and bustle of city life with family and friends, from relaxing and enjoying the local hospitality to trying your hands at any number of leisure and sporting activities.
Tunjuk Laut Beach Resort Tanjung Leman Kota Tinggi Mersing

Chalet Tanjung Leman

Tanjung Leman Beach Resort offers an unforgettable experience that will leave you with refreshed and relaxed. The resort nestled between a tropical landscape and sparkling South China Sea, features a spot for BBQ, stunning array of sports and fun filled activities such as beach volley ball, beach soccer, camping site, fishing, jungle tracking, rock climbing and cycling. Resort Jemaluang Mersing
Tunjuk Laut Beach Resort Tanjung Leman Kota Tinggi Mersing

Tanjung Leman Beach Resort have a natural beach landscape with plenty of shades, white sandy beach, promise a relaxing ang comforting environment for those who wish to get away from the busy city life. Resort Pantai Tanjung Leman, Kota Tinggi
Tanjung Leman Beach Resort Tunjuk Kota Tinggi Mersing

In addition to the above, the Tanjung Leman Beach Resort also provide security services to ensure the safety of their guests. There are 6 types of accommodation to be choosen with 41 unit overall. Jemaluang Mersing Cheap Beach Vacations
Tunjuk Laut Beach Resort Tanjung Leman Kota Tinggi Mersing

Tunjuk Laut is the old name of this beach resort, but now it's namely as Tanjung Leman Beach Resort. Tanjung Leman is the name of the beach that include Tanjung Leman Jetty and Felda Residence Tanjung Leman.

Beach resort

  • Barbecue

Features #2
  • Queen bed
  • Water heater
  • Aircond
  • Astro
  • Electric kettle
  • Sejadah
  • TV


Tanjung Leman lebih dikenali sebagai 'jumping off' ke kepulauan Pulau Sibu dan Sibu Tengah. Terletak kira-kira 72km selatan Mersing, pantai ini agak jauh dari jalan utama, yang menjadikan ia sedikit sukar untuk mencari. Walau bagaimanapun, pantai itu disampaikan oleh sebuah jeti dan chalet.

Kayak disediakan untuk mereka yang ingin pergi agak jauh di luar pantai. Snorkeling berbaloi kerana ada batu karang yang menarik di sekitar. Pantai ini juga merupakan tempat yang baik untuk menonton beberapa enggang putih terbang di atas.

Beach Resort In Johor

Tanjung Leman Beach Resort Tunjuk Kota Tinggi Mersing Tanjung Leman Beach Resort Tunjuk Kota Tinggi Mersing pantai Tanjung Leman Tanjung Leman Beach Resort Tunjuk Kota Tinggi Mersing Tanjung Leman Beach Resort mersing tanjung leman homestay Homestay Tanjung Leman Tanjung Leman Homestay Tanjung Leman Beach Resort Jementah, Johor Chalet Tanjung Leman Tunjuk Laut Beach Resort Tanjung Leman Johor Tunjuk Laut Beach Resort Tanjung Leman Beach Resort In Johor Tanjung Leman Beach Resort Contact Number Chalet Tanjung Leman Beach Resort Johor Beach Resort

Tempat Percutian Menarik Di Johor

  • hotels in Langkawi
  • Koleksi Tudung Labuh Terkini
  • Search another Resort within:
  • City of Mersing
  • Postcode of 86800
  • State of Johor

    GPS COORDINATE: 2.1483796112759848,104.00558133742003 Get direction here
    lokasi Tanjung Leman Beach Resort  formerly known as Tunjuk Laut Beach Resort
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