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Redang Pelangi Resort

Redang Pelangi Resort Pulau Redang
7353 page viewer


Redang Pelangi Resort
2A, Jalan Syed Hussin 20100 Kuala Terengganu
Terengganu Malaysia
Call us! +609-6242158

Redang Pelangi Resort

From the moment you step on the shores of Redang till you leave, you will be mesmerize by its natural beauty. Whether it is long walks along the white powdery beach, or snorkelling around the reefs, you will be stunned by what Redang has to offer. Within a stone throw away from Redang Pelangi Resort lies the most beautiful stretch of Pasir Panjang's white powerdery sands which extends to the turqoise coloured sea with the nearest reefs being less than a few minutes away.

Redang Pelangi is the first resort to be serving Full Board Packages at Pulau Redang since 1990. Redang Pelangi prides itself for being a great value resort providing our satisfied customers with simple accomadation, buffet meals and fun snorkelling trips. With its timber based structures, Redang Pelangi compliments the surrounding environment without the need to intrude with more modern concrete structures.

We strive to provide our customers with quick, friendly and excellent service. From the moment you make your reservation, to the moment you set foot on the island till you checkout and return to Kuala Terengganu, our staff will be there to assist you. You will feel right at home with our cosy environment and helpful staff.

Redang Pelangi Resort Pulau Redang

Resort Kuala Terengganu
Redang Pelangi Resort Pulau Redang

Resort 2A, Jalan Syed Hussin
Redang Pelangi Resort Pulau Redang

Kuala Terengganu
Redang Pelangi Resort Pulau Redang

Redang Pelangi Resort Pulau Redang

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