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MonaVie Health Juices

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MonaVie Health Juices
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MonaVie Health Juices


Take a stand against free radicals. MonaVie Essential is a mouthwatering blend of 19 body-beneficial fruits and AçaVie™—the purest, most potent form of açai available. Scientifically formulated to support your body’s nutritional needs, this efficacious juice defends against the effects of aging while improving your overall health. Put the power of antioxidants to work for you by drinking MonaVie Essential today.


Get your body in motion. MonaVie Active is a delicious fusion of 19 body-beneficial fruits and scientifically validated glucosamine, which targets joint mobility and flexibility. Formulated with AçaVie—the purest, most potent form of açai available—this advanced juice also offers protection against cellular oxidation. Promote healthy joints and get moving with MonaVie Active today.


Drink to your heart’s content. MonaVie Pulse is a heart healthy blend of 19 fruits, resveratrol, and plant sterols,* which have been clinically shown to help lower cholesterol. Featuring AçaVie—the purest, most potent form of açai available—this cardioprotective juice supports optimal cell health and healthy cholesterol levels. Do something good for your heart and enjoy MonaVie Pulse today.

* Foods containing at least 0.4 grams per serving of plant sterols, eaten twice a day with meals for a daily total intake of at least 0.8 grams and as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. Two servings (4 ounces) of MonaVie Pulse contain 0.8 grams of plant sterols.


Optimize your body’s natural defenses. MonaVie (M)mÅ«n is a body-beneficial blend of 19 fruits and Wellmune®, which has been clinically shown to strengthen your body’s immune defenses. Formulated with AçaVie—the purest, most potent form of açai available—this scientifically advanced juice combats cellular oxidation while helping protect your body year round. It’s your daily defense for a healthier life.


Delivers potent antioxidants and essential nutrients to your body. MonaVie Kosher is a mouthwatering fusion of the Brazilian açai berry—one of nature’s top superfoods—and 18 other beneficial fruits. Incorporating a Balance-Variety-Moderation approach to nutrition, this free radical fighting, kosher certified formula nutritionally supports your body’s overall health.

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MonaVie Health Juices
MonaVie Health Juices

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