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Homestay Banghuris

Homestay Banghuris Sepang
9377 page viewer


Homestay Banghuris
Kampung Hulu Chuchoh, Sungai Pelek 43950 Sepang
Selangor Malaysia
Call us! +60193919547

Feel and experience a truly living lifestyle and the hospitality of the village folks in Banghuris, Sepang. This is a rare chance of experiencing a rapidly diminishing traditional lifestyle. Banghuris is a name representing three villages namely Kampung Bukit Bangkong, Kampung Hulu Chuchuh and Kampung Hulu Teris.
Activities: A visit to a coffee plantation to witness the coffee making process using traditional tools, a visit to a rubber plantation to witness the rubber tapping process, a tour to an oil palm plantation to witness the knitting of the oil palm tree, a visit to cash-crop orchards and agricultural activities (AGROTEK), a tour to cottage industry factories (potato-chip processing factory and frozen-food factory) and Homestay Activity Centre and fishing
Homestay Banghuris Sepang

Tempat menarik Sepang

Tempat menarik Kampung Hulu Chuchoh, Sungai Pelek


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  • Koleksi Tudung Labuh Terkini
  • Search another Tempat menarik within:
  • City of Sepang
  • Postcode of 43950
  • State of Selangor

    GPS COORDINATE: 2.658424,101.699066 Get direction here
    lokasi Homestay Banghuris
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