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Homestay Bagan Datoh

Homestay Bagan Datoh
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Homestay Bagan Datoh
No. 7 Gerai MPTI Pekan Selekoh 36200 Selekoh
Perak Malaysia
Call us! +60195499777

Homestay is a form of accommodation where tourists will be able to stay with selected host family and the opportunity to interact and experience the daily lifestyle of the family and culture directly.
Bagan Datoh began to be explored around 1900. Known as the 'Coconut Paradise', Bagan Datoh known as a supplier of oil and oil-based products of high quality and tebesar in Malaysia.

Located at the mouth of the Perak River to the sea meghala Straits of Malacca in the west the state of Perak in Peninsular Malaysia ..

To visit Bagan Datoh Homestay, living together with them to feel and experience the lifestyle and activities of farming and fishing communities in the unique traditional village. Consists of three races of Malays, Chinese and Indians. They live in a peaceful group of people even different cultures.

The people here still maintain traditional culture and this made a very famous Bagan Datoh. Taste the excitement and experience the beautiful scenery. As a souvenir you're in Bagan Datoh, plant it a tree, where you may experience when they visit the fruit here. You will not forget the experience while staying with a host family with hospitality, see and do a variety of daily activities the villagers.

Bagan Datoh Homestay founded on the efforts Hon. Datuk Seri Dr. Hj. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi - Member of Parliament for Bagan Datoh and inaugurated by the Hon. Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak - Deputy Prime Minister on January 26, 2006. Consists of 13 participating villages located in Lower Perak District in the state of Perak, Bagan Datoh Homestay is the largest in Malaysia. There were 100 households / families who took part provides various facilities such as accommodation, food, activities and visits the village.

Homestay Selekoh

Homestay No. 7 Gerai MPTI Pekan Selekoh

HomeStay Selekoh

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    GPS COORDINATE: 3.918631,100.759134 Get direction here
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